What's the solution after all?
Where do I stand?
As I try to move one foot
the other keeps me still,
If I stand with them or with the others.
Which is the road, after all?
I can't see it so clearly!
My mind splits,
and the true meaning is forgotten
If I stand with them or with the others.
What will the end be?
And why does it all happen?
I was asking as a child
and aching inside.
I don't stand with them or with the others.
I am with me exclusively.
My mind now sees so clearly.
Traps are being set,
please don't pretend you cannot see them.
Amidst the chaos of this tiny world
come and sit for a while,
tenderly I say to my mind.
It is the only solution I can find.
Alexandra Sotiropoulou